MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY : Stainless Steel, Glass, Polymers, Aluminum, Copper, Glass, Rubber etc.
The heating cooling processes as well as liquid flow processes create different scales in its channel. The scaling is not only hindrance to the flow but an inefficiency towards the heat transfer mechanism. It is also seed towards fouling and corrosion.
This issue arises recurrently in process industry and many a times tackled with cheaper reagents unscientifically. The inappropriate chemical treatment potentially damages the equipment itself and the fact surfaces too late.
Its rational to offer such activity to expert in this field since many years.
The descalers are customized and standardized and safely used on wide scales. Very few safe descalers are made in India. SHRIOUM CHEMICALS is the trusted name descaler manufacturing.
Our Solution
We have achieved and expertise on scale to surface trade off after studying
thousands of scale sample with their ailments, characteristics etc.
Research identified unique solutions towards preventive as well as curative maintenance.